Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ballarat Grammar speak

Some words commonly used in the 1960s at Grammar:

This was a useful and much-used word with no real equivalent that I can think of.

to satisfyingly prove an over-confident person wrong:
He swore black and blue that I Wanna Be Your Man wasn't a Beatles song, but I bogged him when I showed him the LP.

an indisputable refutation, especially of an over-confident person's argument:
Here's the evidence, so that's a big bog on you
Also just Bog on you! or (often) Bog!

Bog for you I knew Ian Carmichael, of course I did.

Ernie Gray on a point of British film trivia, from a letter, early 1965.

I've come across faff in British books or scripts, but rarely in everyday Australian usage since I left Grammar.

to mess around, waste time:
I tried to finish my assignment but I faffed around all day.

an unproductive activity:
That pottery workshop was a real faff.


to tease or torment someone:
We revved him mercilessly about that Clarendon girl he went out with.

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