Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ernie Gray takes to his sick bed, 1966

Visited by Michael Boyle, Waddell, Charlie Abrams, "Rocker" Davis (at the radio), John Teschendorf.
I notice that Waddell pops up in a lot of my photos, like Woody Allen in Zelig or Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump.

Rocker Davis did a lucrative trade in cutting hair until the Boss, noticing that the school barber's trade was falling off, investigated and closed him down. He was a true rocker who was scornful of the Beatles and long hair, but he knew how to cut our hair so that it was just long enough to be within regulation length.

Ernie's radio seems to be a plug-in mantel model. (Is that the aerial trailing out the window?) Most of the boys' radios were transistors of various sizes. One or two had home-made crystal sets which would pick up only 3BA, the local station, and had no speaker. In fact, I think Ernie had one of those at some stage.

This was a downstairs dorm of Leaving kids (Year 11 in today's terms) with prefect Graham Clark (back from exchange in the US), opposite the old Masters' Study, by this time a prefects' study.

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